How to cancel a Cathay Pacific flight and get a refund?
Sometimes plans change, and you may need to cancel your Cathay Pacific flight. While this can be a stressful situation. Cathay Pacific provides a clear cancellation. And refund policy to help make the process easier. In this blog, we will guide you through the steps on How to cancel a Cathay Pacific flight and get a refund? Call the customer care assistant at US Number: OTA: +1-800-971-7347 or +1-800-971-7347 . How do I cancel my Cathay Pacific flight and get a refund? If you need to cancel your Cathay Pacific flight and get a refund, there are a few steps you need to take. ● First, you need to contact the customer service line at US Number: OTA: +1-800-971-7347 or +1-833-933-2244. ● When you contact them. You will need to provide your booking reference number and the details of your flight. ● Once you have provided the necessary information. They will be able to process your Cathay Pacific cancellation and provide you with a refund. ● D